Support for Autistic and PDA Adults

(Persistent Desire for Autonomy)

Autism is many things to many people and it differs widely across culture, gender and race. When we say there are no two Autistic people alike this is exactly what we mean. I especially love this graphic because it encompasses the many facets of autism and the various ways it intersects and Autistic person’s everyday life. I hear so often from Autistic people that search for support in a world that expects them to “be different” and to “fit in” can be daunting, demoralizing and dehumanizing.

It is my mission and goal to create a safe place where Autistic and those questioning can feel free to explore, stim and not look at the video camera/have it off during sessions. I have been providing affirming support to Neurodivergent folks since 2018, and have since been identified as ADHD and SPD. (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) and (Sensory Processing Disorder). It is my passion to hold a safe place for any person wishing to explore their brain and identity as a neurodivergent person, partner to an ND person, or parent to a ND child.

Check out these common myths about PDA in Autism

Myths About PDA

  • Children will grow out of PDA

  • PDA is the same as autism and/ or ODD (Oppositional Defiance Disorder)

  • PDA Individuals like routine and sameness

  • PDA folks are not sociable and prefer to be alone

  • Rewards and punishments work well for PDA individuals

  • PDA individuals experience the same level of anxiety as Autistic individuals

  • PDA is the same as Oppositional Defiance Disorder

    Facts about PDD (Persistent Drive for Autonomy)

  • PDA is also known as Newson’s Syndrome

  • PDA was originally part of the “PDD” family (Pervasive Developmental Disorder)

  • PDA is not in the DSM-V and is not recognized in the United States

  • PDA is recognized as part of Autism in many parts of the world

  • PDA is a controversial diagnosis and many professionals do not recognize it yet. Awareness is growing!

  • PDA impacts the same number of children born female and male

    (Adapted from